gah i'm finally done with this quarter, things have been wild but i'm finished! the plants for my garden are growing rapidly already i hope they make it until saturday so i can transplant them when i move! so much packing to do, but i'm going to have a lot of free time to catch up on my shirt making and projects. so here's something i started working on. it's a watercolor series of lovely ladies from each decade, dressed in the clothing from that decade. this is 1990. she's faceless. oops. but that will be worked out soon enough.

 i want her outfit.

    oil is still flowing strong down at the gulf. they are calculating that the flow won't be stopped until august. it was an accident produced by a corporation probably cutting corners and probably not giving a damn about anything else but the benjamins. it was bound to happen in some form or another.  i like to explain it as "the price we have to pay for industrialization and oil dependency".  tragedies like this happen, and they always will as long as we are using resources capable of polluting.  it seems as though everyone is hung up on drilling bp into the ground with the boycotts, protests and jokes, well you can run your mouth about it, or you can do something about it. i believe that we need to support bp in their clean up efforts as well as all other organizations and agencies involved. it's not going to get cleaned up on accusations and complaints, it happened, so now we need to come together and wait to play the blame game until millions of gallons of oil stop shooting into the ocean.  bp will get what they've probably had coming for awhile after the oil has stopped, but the matter at hand is clean-up, not politics, not rage. it's not rocket science that this is a serious problem, and i think i'm safe to say that every employee, down to the cashiers at bp stations, know it. there's nothing wrong with boycotts or protests but we need to support them now, and never let them live it down later.  this is a lesson on sustainability. learn from it and live it because we're stuck with this now, so what better time to start making change in our lifestyles? 


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