so... hello, the word of the day is inexorable, used in a sentence: Becca was so inexorable in her political view, regarding how the government should approach renewable energy, no one could persuade her otherwise.

a friend gave me this really cool product site ( it's actually not a product site as much as it is a product label design site, definitely check it out , it never ceases to amaze what the mind can do creatively without repeating itself. I thought the above picture was a really cool example of their creative packaging designs, if you don't know what it is, go to the site and check it out, my lips are sealed.

doing a presentation on thursday that is all about wind turbines, boring maybe. the question is not about renewable energy or clean energy, it's whether wind is an economical source of energy at all, clean or not. how expensive is it to use wind power? well to put it into perspective, wind turbines produce about 0.5% of the world's energy, if that, and this half percent is a 6-7 billion dollar industry. why? well, simply because it is not economically feasible to save the world by harnessing this form of natural energy in many aspects, contrary to popular belief. it is far too expensive, now and maybe forever, to produce the parts for and assemble these turbines. kind of crushing for all those enviroMENTALists who disregard the human race's budget in taking on "green" projects with price tags furthering our national debt, doesn't really make sense does it? the worst part about these projects is their cosmetic appeal to the unlearned person, how many people really know about the underlying factors in these hastily drawn plans to save the environment? sure, it looks nice that we care enough to dump billions into a project that seems charmingly "environmental", but are people really going to benefit? after all the environment is comprised of people, a huge portion of it actually, just in case you're a hermit in the Sahara and this is breaking news to you.  this is just the beginning of how green advocates are ruining the way we should be "saving" the earth, naturally and simply, a little bit at a time, this is no crisis, I assure you.


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